An accurate selection of the grapes and a very delicate traditional method winemaking, make this sparkling wine a very special one. A pas dosé with a great bold color, a particularly fine and persistent perlage and a delicate and fresh taste.
CRU Classic Method
The true class of CRUs is expressed in all its glory in this limited edition. Elegance and excellent harmonic qualities are contained in this wine that impresses with its qualities, able to accompany an infinite number of convivial moments.

名称: V.S.Q. エクストラ ブリュット
生産地: イタリア トスカーナ州グロッセート県 チヴィテッラ マリッティマ
標高: 230-240m
日照: 南、南東
育成方法: コルドーネ スペロナート、 グイヨー
収穫: 手摘み
仕様: 1500ml